Sunday, March 31, 2013

What Jesus Christ Did for Me

I was watching this video earlier this week, and I was struck by the images and by the list of things that Jesus Christ did for us.The video lists off the following.
  • He was betrayed,
  • denied.
  • accused,
  • rejected, 
  • bound,
  • scourged,
  • mocked,
  • reviled,
  • spit on,
  • crucified,
  • forsaken,
  • He did His Father's will
  • He atoned,
  • healed,
  • held His peace,
  • forgave,
  • He gave His life.
  • He is risen.
 Watching that, and thinking about the pain and the suffering and all that He went through, it made me think of how sometimes we'll say about someone, "Oh, he'd do anything for me" as a sign of how much they love us. Well, Jesus Christ truly would do anything for us, and in fact, since we know that "the Son of Man hath descended below them all" (D&C 122:8), we know that not only would He doe anything for us, He already has done EVERYTHING for us.