I had to speak in church today (again...yeah, I don't know why they keep having me to do that), and as the newly-called Primary President in my ward, I was asked to speaking about the Sharing Time topics (Sharing Time=instruction that we do with children 3 to 7 years old and 8 to 11 years old). My two counselors and I each covered 4 of the monthly topics, and while I don't think anyone really wants to read through my entire talk, I just thought I'd post part of it. Our theme for this year is Choose the Right, and I spoke about some of the foundational principles that we need to understand if we're really going to make a lifetime of right choices.
Jesus Christ Is the Son of God.
Of all the messages we’re talking about in Sharing Time this year, I think this is the most important. Each of us, as a child of God of whatever age, needs to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God—and we need to know what that means for us.
I think that wrapped up in that short sentence, we have pretty much everything we need to know. I think it means that Jesus Christ is exactly who He said He was and He did everything He said He would do.
I want to quote from The Living Christ, since the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles expressed, way better than I ever could, what it means to us that Jesus Christ is the Son of God:
“We offer our testimony of the reality of His matchless life and the infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice. None other has had so profound an influence upon all who have lived and will yet live upon the earth.
“He was the Great Jehovah of the Old Testament, the Messiah of the New. Under the direction of His Father, He was the creator of the earth…He 'went about doing good,' yet was despised for it. His gospel was a message of peace and goodwill. He entreated all to follow His example. He walked the roads of Palestine, healing the sick, causing the blind to see, and raising the dead. He taught the truths of eternity, the reality of our premortal existence, the purpose of our life on earth, and the potential for the sons and daughters of God in the life to come.
“He instituted the sacrament as a reminder of His great atoning sacrifice. He was arrested and condemned on spurious charges, convicted to satisfy a mob, and sentenced to die on Calvary’s cross. He gave His life to atone for the sins of all mankind. His was a great vicarious gift in behalf of all who would ever live upon the earth…
“We solemnly testify that His life, which is central to all human history, neither began in Bethlehem nor concluded on Calvary. He was the Firstborn of the Father, the Only Begotten Son in the flesh, the Redeemer of the world…
“We bear testimony, as His duly ordained Apostles—that Jesus is the Living Christ, the immortal Son of God. He is the great King Immanuel, who stands today on the right hand of His Father. He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son.”
What it means for us that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is that it’s all real, and eternal life and eternal families and happiness and all of the blessings of the Gospel are really possible. Because He is the Son of God and He did everything that He said He would do, the plan of salvation works and choosing the right will lead us back to the presence of our Father.
I testify that Jesus Christ really is the Son of God, and that because of that, eternal life is possible. I want to join my testimony with the words of our closing hymn [we sang I Believe in Christ]—I believe in Christ; I believe that He is the Son of God, that He came to earth and lived a perfect life, that He healed the sick, raised the dead, and marked the path for each of us. He did make it possible for each of us to be freed from Satan’s grasp, and we can have lives that are joyous and filled with love. He has made eternal life possible for all those who will follow Him. Jesus Christ lives, and He is the Son of God, the Savior of the world. He is all that He said He is, and He is everything that we need.